Salvage Wire

Salvage Wire
Helping Automotive recyclers become leaders in their industry

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Rental Car Frustration

Working away this week and getting really frustrated with car rental companies again. Picked up a car at the airport terminal, it had more damage on it than some of the vehicles we de-fleet after three years, and a dangerous brake judder, so it was returned, they replaced the car, stated that it had 'nil' damage - wrong! Wheels damaged, bumpers scratched, doors scratched and more.
What is it with rental companies, I know that the cars are used by lots of different drivers, and they can get abused, but is it about time that they complete full appraisals of damage so that innocent drivers are not accused of causing damage to the vehicles that was there before they collected the car.
Rant over, feel better now!

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