Salvage Wire

Salvage Wire
Helping Automotive recyclers become leaders in their industry

Wednesday, 12 November 2014


Do you want to accelerate your business? Read on and find out how.

Salvage Wire is investigating the potential for an Auto Recyclers Management Boot Camp led by Donald Cooper.
About Donald's “Accelerate Your Business” Management Boot Camp:
Who should attend?

  1. This programme is specifically designed for business owners and their management teams from small and medium sized businesses, up to £15 million in sales.
  2. Donald has successfully worked in over 40 different industries throughout the world, so whatever you do this will be enormously helpful.
  3. Experience shows that the more managers who attend from the same company, the more extraordinary the results in the business.
How Donald helps business owners and managers:
Donald has helped thousands of businesses to achieve the following 5 outcomes:
  1. Create a compelling competitive advantage.
  2. Market and promote on a limited budget.
  3. Create a clear vision for an extraordinary and more profitable future...and the Action Plan to get them there.
  4. Manage every part of their business more proactively and effectively.
  5. Create a top-performing team, and deal more effectively with non-performance.
The Extraordinary value:
Each delegate will take away:
  1. A clear understanding of how to be a world-class manager in the business.
  2. A complete handout of Donald’s bottom-line insights and real-life help examples.
  3. Donald’s complete step-by-step Implementation Guide that will help you to more effectively manage your marketing, your team, your future....and your bottom line.
  4. A renewed energy and commitment to be extraordinary, successful and profitable. Mediocrity is no longer and option!
  5. Valuable insights into how to grow a successful business and also have and extraordinary life.
  6. An opportunity to sign up to receive Donald’s monthly Management E-Newsletter at no cost.
For more details and the opportunity to respond, please click here