Salvage Wire

Salvage Wire
Helping Automotive recyclers become leaders in their industry

Friday, 24 January 2020

New Offering From Salvage Wire

Salvage InsightA new offering from Salvage Wire

How can the vehicle salvage and recycling industry react to the challenges they currently face, the changing future, bring best practices into their business, attract staff, retain talented staff, remain relevant, profitable and successful?

Led by a former FTSE100 board level manager and leader, Salvage Insight is a range of Intensive Management Boot Camp/Hot House options for business owners and managers who want to:

  • Measure current value creation, exploring areas of high margin untapped potential. 
  • Create compelling customer experiences and value to give clear competitive advantage.
  • Market, promote and sell more effectively.
  • Improve profitability.
  • Manage smarter at every level of the business…and deal with non-performance.
  • Determine the most effective light-weight, fleet of foot management structure with strong value based performance metrics.
  • Create a Strategic Vision, refresh mission statement and develop a new time-bound Business Plan.

Find out more by contacting Salvage Wire at 

Helping Automotive Recyclers Become Leaders in their Industry