Salvage Wire

Salvage Wire
Helping Automotive recyclers become leaders in their industry

Thursday 5 August 2010

Hazardous Waste Consignment Notes

The Environment Agency has determined that all Category A and B salvage is hazardous unless de-polluted. As a result movement of these vehicles needs to be accompanied by Hazardous Waste Consignment Notes (HWCN).

There are some specific issues relating to Cat B vehicles moving across the Scottish or N Irish borders.

For Cat B’s purchased in England and Wales a HWCN downloaded from the Environment Agency web site can be used. It is then the responsibility of the carrier/receiver of the vehicle to complete the quarterly returns to the E Agency and pay the fees requested.
This applies if the carrier/receiver is based in Scotland or N Ireland.

Where the vehicle is purchased in Scotland the carrier/receiver of the waste must purchase the Special Waste Code from SEPA (Scottish Environmental Protection Agency) prior to collection of the vehicle.

For vehicles purchased in N Ireland the HWCN must be purchased from N Ireland Environmental Services (NIES), and they MUST be given 3 working days notice of vehicle movement.
Note – Category B’s purchased in England or Scotland and moved to N Ireland can be moved on E Agency HWCN or SEPA Special Waste Notes, but 3 working days notice must be given to N Ireland Environmental Services.

Cat B’s purchased in England or Wales and moving to:
• England and Wales require E Agency HWCN
• Scotland require E Agency HWCN
• N Ireland require E Agency HWCN and 3 working days notice of movement

Cat B’s purchased in Scotland and moving to:
• Scotland require SEPA Special Waste Notice
• England or Wales require SEPA Special Waste Notice
• N Ireland require SEPA Special Waste Notice and 3 working days notice of movement

Cat B’s purchased in N Ireland and moving to:
• N Ireland requires NIES HWCN and 3 working days notice of movement
• Scotland requires NIES HWCN and 3 working days notice of movement to NIES
• England and Wales requires NIES HWCN and 3 working days notice of movement to NIES

This is for guidance only, it is imperative that all producers, carriers and receivers of hazardous waste fully understand their responsibilities.
Additional information can be found at:

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