Salvage Wire

Salvage Wire
Helping Automotive recyclers become leaders in their industry

Friday 8 October 2010

MVDA Annual General Meeting

The Motor Vehicle Dismantlers Association Annual General Meeting is being held Tuesday 12th October, at the Stretford Suite, Old Trafford, Manchester.
There is an opportunity to tour the stadium at 11am, followed by buffet lunch at 1.00pm, the AGM starts at 2.00pm with presentations from:
Peter Stokes - Environmental Manager Cartakeback - The impact on ELV's of new car co2 directive.
Duncan Weymyss - MVDA Association Secretary - Continuing Technical Competence Requirements for ATF ELV permits
Bluecycle and the European Commission have also been invited to speak.
The AGM will conclude at 4pm

For more details contact the MVDA on 01543 254254 or

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